
April 2024

April, and with it Easter. For many the Autumn colours are well under way. There are some lovely reds and yellows to enjoy.

Now is the time to start cleaning up ready for the winter.

Things To Do:

  1. When the colours start to brown off cut your herbaceous peonies back to ground level, gather up all the foliage and burn to reduce disease risk.
  2. When the colours fade on your tree peonies you can remove the leaves, but NOT the branches, if you look closly at the branches you will see next seasons buds waiting for spring.
  3. Divide any peonies and replant, or better still order new varieties. Remember it is not wise to re-plant into soil where a peony has just come out of.
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The Peony Gardens
Kate Gray
phone: 0274139124
email: jk.gray.nz@gmail.com